So, you want to invote all your friends but the old hack doesn’t work anymore?
With the last facebook friends groups restyle the code trick to send invitation to all friends do not work anymore. Moreover, you’ve installed the last Firefox, and you can’t use anymore the url address bar to input javascript commands.
It was the same for me. But I’ve find this path to invite all your friends to your new brand facebook page, follow this steps.
1) Use Firefox 6.
2) Open your facebook fan page.
3) Click on “Invite friends”.
4) The grid of friends is opened.
5) Select “Search all friends” and scroll down, so all your friends are loaded.
6) Press Ctrl+Shift+K.
7) A firefox panel is opened on the top of the page, here you can put the javascript code (put the two lines in a single line):
elms=document.getElementById('pop_content').getElementsByTagName('li'); for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){elms[fid].click();}}
This code will select eache friend and perform a click on it.
8) Press “enter”.
9) Wait the selecetion (it could take some minute).
10) Press “submit”.
Today (09/14/2011) it works.
Don’t work for me. Its select only enabled friends, but not disabled!
Did you scroll down in the facebook pop up to load all your friends?
Tried it but Firefox says cant find server. would love to use all my other coads dont work. am I doing any thing wrong?
On Firefox: You get all the “clicks” but then when you try to send it it says “Please narrow your invite list to friends who are most likely to be interested in this event.
If you’ve gotten this message in error, visit this form.”
Yes, I am an admin of this event. Any workaround for this?
yes it worked great… thanks man you rock
Worked for me..
Thanks for the tip
from now… not invite all friend’s because, after submite code, facebook send a similar pop-up: “it’s not possibile invite all friends but only interested friends
It’s ok for me.
it worked perfectly fine for me, thank you very much!!
The question here is not whether you can select all friend on a list. It’s the restriction that Facebook is putting on users to not able to send more than 10 or 5 selection at a time. So, having the code to select the entire list is useless if you are still getting that ridiculous message that you should be “inviting only people who’d be interested in attending your event”. That’s exactly what I am doing; using my created list of local people to invite them to a local event. Anyone knows how to get around this?
worked for me. thanks heaps bro!!
Worked! Awesome, thanks man!
Works great in Firefox 7.0.1 Thanks much!
Sorry, but i don’t get the point.
Have you noticed that it’s like 5-6 months that you do not recive any page suggestion in notification area? That’s because page suggestion do not work anymore.
So select everybody is completly useless….don’t you think?
Me funciono perfecto, lo que no había hecho era lo de presionar las teclas y escribirlos arriba… GRACIAS desde México, THANK YOU a lot from Mexico.
As of October 7, 2011, this works!!!! YES
works fine !!! great code , much faster then any other methods !
Works spot on for me sent about 400 in 1 go , excellent thank you
Worked for me on Foxfire!!!!!! Sent 5000 invites!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!
Thanks it really works
hi there!
a great script! but is there any option to re-invite friends who are disabled?
As the invite function didn’t work for a very long time, a lot of my friends are disabled and didn’t receive any invitations for my fanpage.
So i want to re-invite them, cause they never received a notification
is there a possibility?
thanks in advance
today 17-10-2011 it works! even with firefox 7!
it worked for me for EVENT, but not for PAGE and GROUP? any help?
Didn’t work for me !!! Could someone help me out ??? TX
amazing, it really worked! Firefox 6. be sure to put space between the two lines when you put them in one line and press enter
Wicked, it worked! Thanks for this cos trust me I didn’t fancy going through all 4,900 friends everytime I had an event
it didn’t work..
Thanks it worked great!! Reminder for mac users its command+shift+k
Worked for me to! Thank you! PC user here.
Best code..! Works great on my page :)
Thanks!! Got 6000 Likes! :D
Need to use COMMAND-SHIFT K b/c I’m on a Mac, I guess, then worked like a charm.
worked perfectly on 16/11/2011
thanks alot saved me loads of time ;)
still working! Thank you!
Thnx!! You saved my life :) Works absolutely fine and is so easy!! :)
No me sale, alguien que me lo escriba y me ayude !!! gracias…
no function, help me
Funzionna sempre! Grazie!
FYI – Mac OSX users – the keys are “command” + Shift + K
not control shift K.
Does this work in a Page?? I think this only works in Events.
I hope this will work. I’ll wait for a while.
Most excellent, thanks a lot for that!
Thanks for this! :) Keep up the good work! ;)
THANK YOU!!! Thank you!! Amazing! Perfect!
Seriously, thanks!
thank you SO much! im glad i found this updated version because the other ones just werent!
It’s not working. It keeps saying to narrow my search. I narrowed it down to 20 before it worked again. Sort of defeats the point when I have 5,000 fans that I need to contact at once. I can’t do it 20 at a time.
hehe it worked
awesome! thank yoU! In Firefox, if you’re confused about step 6, just go to WebDeveloper and put in the code when the space comes up. woohoow!
DECEMBER 2011, WORKS!!! in latest Firefox.
I hit Ctrl+Shift+K, then typed in:
elms=document.getElementById(‘pop_content’).getElementsByTagName(‘li’);for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === ‘object’){elms[fid].click();}}
It froze for a second and asked for a captcha check for it worked :)
2000 invites sent.
Thanks a bunch!
I do this and it redirects me to a google search page
Works, but like some others have said, FB says please narrow your list of invites to people who are interested. How the fucking fuck do i know if they are interested or not if i dont invite them!? Damn you facebook! Anyone know a work around for this?
Thank you so much! Works great! :)
Works today! Awesome, thank you!! 5000 friends just invited to my page.
Hey this was working great up until last week and now, nothing happens. Did Facebook figure out what we were all doing and put a stop to it? Is there a new thing we can all do to Invite All Friends?
Thank you! As of 2/20/2012 it still works flawlessly. Was able to send an event announcement to thousands at one time. Outstanding!
hey,it worked today(29 February 2011) using firefox 10…Thanks a lottt
As of today March 1st 2012 it still works. Thanks for the code.
i think this java script has stopped working check new method thanks :)
I was founding many sites on this hack. But this Works great on first try :) Thanks a lot for your contribution.
thank you dude very very tnqqqqqqqqqq
Amazing! Thanks
To open the web console in the latest version of Firefox on a Mac, the new shortcut it Command + Option + K
Thanks so much! Works as of Mar 21st 2012
Worked perfectly for me! Thank you!
super cool!
OUTDATED. I don’t know how or when, but it seems FB has somehow cancelled the Invite Friends where a list of all your friends appear after clicking on the button. The only thing I got is a text box with instant predictive search result for friends depending on the first few letter you type in the letterbox. Unfortunately, it’s not comprehensive and it takes forever to add even just a few friends because I have to do them one by one. I have over 1200 friends and I can never tell if I invited all of them, especially that other members of my FB group have invited and are still inviting their own friends. I searched the whole web to no avail. Could FB engineers be so god damn sadistic as to make life so miserable for us?! Why would they cancel a function that seemed to be working perfectly to replace it with an archaic method that, compounded with other non-sensical functions, will eventually drive ppl away. I for one am on the verge of canceling my account and never looking back. FB, you suck! Anyone with a suggestion, please let me know.
Worked perfectly last week, on a MAC, but now the cntrl/command + shirft + K doesn’t work….
Could anyone help, please!
[12:07:56.030] TypeError: document.getElementById(“pop_content”) is null
worked for me for the past 6mos. This no longer functions unfortunately.
does anyone know a code that work to add all friends?
if someone know please reply to my email
seems, like it does not work anymore.
worked fine in the before a month or two, but now, it doesn’t work. I changed nothing.
it seems that’s true. it doesn’t work anymore.