This code does the same thing that Ucfirst function makes in PHP. “Ucfirst” means “Uppercase first letter”. ASP doesn’t have this function natively:
function ucfirst(tname) ucfirst = "" tname = tname & " " do while instr(tname, " ") temp_string = left(tname, instr(tname," " ) -1) ' ucase the first letter ucfirst = ucfirst & ucase(mid(temp_string, 1,1)) ' lcase for rest of word ucfirst = ucfirst & lcase(mid(temp_string,2)) & " " tname = right(tname, len(tname) - instr(tname," " )) loop 'show me what i get ucfirst = ucfirst & ucase(mid(tname, 1,1)) ucfirst = ucfirst & mid(tname,2) ucfirst = Trim(ucfirst) end Function