When you have to log something with php you can use fopen to create a file and then use fwrite to write strings… it’s quite easy. But, if you want some small functions to add to your most used “common.php” file, you can add this fours small functions:
/* MINI LOG SYSTEM */ function openLog($filename) { $f = fopen($filename,'a+'); return $f; } function writeLog($f,$s) { $s = date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." ".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']." ".$s."\n"; fwrite($f,$s); } function readLog($f) { fseek($f,0,SEEK_END); $size = ftell($f); fseek($f,0); return fread ($f, $size); } function closeLog($f) { fclose($f); }
Use the openLog to create the log file (be sure to have permission to write on that directory), this function returns the pointer to the file. So you have to store the result on a variable to pass it in the next calls.
Use the writeLog function to write a free string to the log file. User agent, ip address and date and time are added automatically.
Use this function to read the content of the log file.
Use this function to close the log file.
Nice and simple. Thanks.