This is an easy quiz game for classrooms, made with PHP/js,css,html. No database needed, just json files to store data.
Questions are stored in json files (domande.json
and risposte.json
Users students play the quiz from their PC or device (data are saved in risultati.json).
Results are shown in realtime on the teacher device or on LIM as a top hit score ranking page.
Emojiis make it a little funny for my young students.
You can try it here:
The repository is here:
Next improvements
- join “domande” and “risposte” jsons
- players name in a separate json file, if it is empty let the users write their own name without select
- use different “domande” json files for topics, use different folder for pics based on same “domande” file name
- let the user choose the topic for questions
A couple of images while playing…

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