I’m italian and I always need to use special chars like è é à ù. The same need belongs to french developers, and many other non-english developers. To use special chars without encoding problems try to follow this 4 rules:
- create fields on db with utf8_general_ci collation
- make the query ‘set names’ after any connection (look the block code below, you need mysql 5)
- put meta charset utf8 tag in the html head block
- read and write strings to db and to html without using utf8_encode or other functions
//after connecting to your db make this query: mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8';");
NOTE (added on 2010-02-16)
Sometimes these steps do not work, and you start say f**ck f**ck! Well, it’s also happened to me, and I’ve notice that sometimes php.ini make some problems because it has a wrong default charset setted. So, if this is your problem, put this line at the beginning of your php files:
ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
I can’t thank you enough for this little trick. I have been stuck for months (yes, months !) with an accented characters pb (in french) involving a datagrid/PHP/a JS framework and json encode and this neat trick solved it in a breeze. You made my day today.
IT WORKS!!!!!!