WP Gutenberg notes

Collection of notes and thoughts on Wordpress Gutenberg blocks development.

Gennaio 9, 2023

Gutenberg is a new WordPress editor that is included in WordPress 5.0 and beyond. It is a block-based editor that allows users to create content in blocks, rather than the traditional WordPress editor which is based on single text area. Blocks can be used to create all types of content, from simple text to complex layouts.

But who was Gutenberg?

Johannes Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who is credited with inventing movable type printing in Europe around 1440. His invention of the printing press and mechanical movable type printing played a crucial role in the development of the Renaissance and the scientific revolution, and laid the material basis for the modern knowledge-based economy and the spread of learning to the masses.

Gutenberg for wordpress is a revolution?

Yes, Gutenberg for WordPress is a revolution in terms of creating content within the WordPress ecosystem. It’s more powerful and intuitive way of creating content than the traditional, more restrictive WordPress editor.

Even if Gutenberg editor is designed to be easy for developers to use, it is based on React which is really different world from usual wp developement process, so it requires some efforts to switch to Gutenberg. It’s worth it.

This is a collection of notes about developing blocks for Gutenberg Editor

Well here are some links used during the development of my AI plugin for WordPress.

  • display notices in gutenberg editor, here more info for dismissible ones in german!
  • text manipulation with selected text | also here
  • specialtag plugin example to add a class to a spann
  • How to make a pattern with PHP with Gutenberg
  • A chat with ChatGPT that at the end had some interesting info on how to build Patterns with PHP and make them available in the Pattern Library inside Gutenberg.


PHP expert. Wordpress plugin and theme developer. Father, Maker, Arduino and ESP8266 enthusiast.


Test page for Bright Links plugin

To test the plugin hover your mouse to a link, or tap the link on mobile device.

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Updating a metabox after Gutenberg updates

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