List of readings collected in March 2025.
- This Arduino library called NewPing is better to read data out of the HC-SR04 ultrasounds sensors.
- Capacitive sensor read with Arduino to detect two persons that touch their hands, by Alastair Aitchison.
- Interesting way to add alt-text to images with AI in a large archive, using different LLM. Can be applied to large archives and can be proposed to clients as a SEO services. This article is from Dries Buytaert who is the founder of Drupal.
- Here are some useful information (pinout and more) on the microcontroller Supermini Nano Atmega 328p (Old bootloader) USB Type-C that has 3x Neopixel on it and I’ve randomly bought from Aliexpress.
- Maybe this AI (Mistral OCR, from France) can be used instead of Microsoft Azure Document Intelligence to extract texts from school books in the Seleggo project. The other one to test was
- Vishay sensor manufacturer is american. ST Microelectronics is Italian. Put here just to know it.
- Lovable is an AI to develop web landing pages, apps and more. Tested by my colleague Ramin. To be tested on next easy job.
- This is a love letter to personal websites from Sophie@localghost: nice thoughts about keeping creativity and nerd attitude high and “If you take just one thing away from this article, I want it to be this: please build your own website. A little home on the independent web.“
- Why AI are using Markdown markup instead of HTML?
- Chromecast v2 died for a few weeks, for a certificate?
- Texas Instruments has manufactured the smallest microcontroller, named M0+. It’s small as an SMD resistance.
- Bots are more than half of the web traffic, some are goods and some are bad. A list of techniques to prevent bots as a site owner.
- A retro vintage phone that allows you to chat with chatgpt. Made with raspberry.
- Do you rmember the pebble kickstarter? It’s coming back!
- I love vintage flip clock, this guy recreated one with Arduino and 3D printer.
- How to hack a common clock to move the arms anticlockwise
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