To add a footer sticky banner with AdAdmin software follow these steps:
Create a new AdAdmin position
Create a new position, make the position responsive and put the Height to the max of the height of your banner.

Place the script near the end of your pages, you can put before the closing </body>
Create a new banner
Create a banner and choose the Footer position just created.
Use a script banner type, and pick the “Overlay bottom fixed strip” template script:

This template need two images to handle responsive properly:

Choose a link and place the two images, upload first the image for mobile (which is [IMG0]
in the template script) and then the image for desktop devices (it is [IMG1]

Please note that AdAdmin doesn’t check image sizes, so you should check sizes by yourself. The template suggests 320×50 for mobile and 728×90 for desktop, but you can use also similar formats, as 300×100 for mobile or 500×100 on desktop., it’s up to you.
Choose proper limitation of the banner and save.