In the last two months AdAdmin software has got some huge updates.
Three versions: 3.94, 3.95 and 3.96 changed a lot of things and I’m going to describe these changes in this post.
Advertiser and banner selling process on AdAdmin ad server
First, with version 3.94 we’ve changed the “guest” user to “advertiser“, this change transforms the old guest user to a more powerful profile that can also buy banners directly in the AdAdmin software.
To let advertiser buy banners you need a PayPal account, get PayPal client id and secret from PayPal developer console and insert these data in settings.
Here are the new settings highlighted in yellow:

You can choose to use PayPal sandbox to make some tests or go live with production PayPal server.
From version 3.94 it isn’t possible anymore to bind a user to more than one client. But this feature wasn’t used by many. Now one advertiser user is bound to one client. Administrators can create advertisers, but advertiser can also sign in freely through the new Sign in link on the login page:

When you sell ads you have to deal with prices. Banners can be sold in three different ways and, even if these terms were already used in previous versions, now they become really important in “Position” creation.
Remember: CPM means cost for 1 thousand impressions; CPC means cost for 1 click; CPD means cost for 1 day of views.
When you create a banner position you have to specify if you want to sell it based on CPM, CPC or CPD and declare the price unit.
If you create a position sold on CPM model, you can specify for example 0.8 EUR, which means that 1000 impressions of a banner in this position cost 0,80 EUR; 2000 impressions cost 1,60 EUR and so on.
During the banner creation as an advertiser there is a calculator which determines how many banners you’ll get with a defined amount of money. You specify the money and the system calculates the views. If there are enough information, the system will also calculate how long it will be visible on site using the mean of the banners shown per day on that position, considering also the number of banners active on that position.

If the user buy a CPC or CPD banner the form will change a little (for example in CPD the user will see also the final date, if it’s a CPC banner the user will see the total number of clicks).
By clicking on “Save and go to checkout” the user go to the checkout page where there is the PayPal button.
At the end of this process the banner is placed in a “Pending” status that waits an approval from an Administrator user.
Approval process is useful to avoid undesired banners on your site.
When a banner is approved it’s served by AdAdmin software in the rotation of its specific position.
We’ve also improved the stats charts of banners and campaigns.
Vignette banners in AdAdmin ad server
Since version 3.95 there is a new option to create a special position which is used to deliver vignette banners.
Vignette banners are shown when a visitor click on a link: before going to that link, the visitor has to see a banner which is placed on a layer that covers all the page. The visitor have to wait a small amount of seconds, than a X appears to close the ad and go to the selected link.
To use this kind of ads the Administrator has to create a position and flag the vignette mode option. Place the script at the end of your HTML page before the closing </body> tag.
The Administrator also need to specify the HTML trigger selector and the number of seconds for the timer. The HTML trigger is used with jQuery tag selector syntax, and for the moment it needs jQuery to be included in your scripts.

This kind of ads should be sold with a CPC and should be configured also with a frequency cap to limit the number of impressions during a session of a user.
Graphic updates, new interface for menu, buttons and minor improvements in AdAdmin ad server
We’ve redesigned the menu, now it’s bigger, always on the right, and you can choose to keep it always on or always off.

We’ve removed duplicates function (such as the delete button on each item of the grid), we’ve added a small icon in select filters, make important buttons bigger and moved all the icons from png to fonts.
Everything is cleaner an really awesome.
Finally we also add a shortcut in the menu to the Support function on Codecanyon to help Administrator, if you have any comments or need help with AdAdmin use that link!