Items related to bots, spiders and crawling activities.
Find values recursively inside complex json objects in PHP
A PHP function to to quickly search complex, nested php structures for specific values.
Orari trenord, corri solo quando ce n’è bisogno
Hai presente quando corri in stazione per prendere il treno al volo e, quando arrivi, ti accorgi che il treno ha 12 minuti di ritardo?
Scraping content with PHP as if it was jQuery
Building a spider or a bot needs some knowledge of regular expressions, you must know and use preg_match or preg_match_all…
Get instagram data without official api in PHP
Instagram has an official API to interact with its database of images and users. If you have enough time to…
How to build a spider… uh, well an email scraper
What is a spider? A spider is a program that automatically navigates web pages to find informations. These informations can…
Make a cron job with IFTTT
Cron is a software utility, a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. People who set up and maintain…
How many times a web link has been shared on Twitter
Twitter share button and Facebook share button are the most used buttons to share links on Internet. You can read…
How to read facebook likes count from PHP
When you add facebook like button to your site, probably, you also want to save the number of likes of…
PHP code to check if remote mp3 exists
Hi, I’ve a big table with thousands of mp3 links. Sice these links come from an old database, many of…
How to use photos on your site
UPDATE: 2013-12-04 I’ve made a method in the Mini Bots PHP Class that lets you retrieve images from instagram without…
get MySpace events with a PHP function
Here is a function to read the concerts for a myspace band page. This code retrieves the “shows page” for…
PHP Geocoding function, from address to coordinates lat long
This is a small function included in the Minibots Class that converts an address to a couple of coordinates Latitude,…
PHP bot to get wikipedia definitions
Wikipedia, the collaborative and multilingual encyclopedia project, has a lot of usefull terms defined in its database, you can find…
Send push notification to iPhone with PHP and
UPDATE: 2013/11/18 This code no longer works, but you can check a similar function here: Sending push notifications with php…
PHP to post on a Facebook page
Hi, I’ve modified the Mini Bot Class, I’ve fixed the Facebook status update and I’ve implemented the function to post…
Parsing Flickr Feed with PHP tutorial
I’ve spent about 30 minutes to find a javascript embed to print out a custom thumbs list of flickr photos,…
Mini Bot Class Updated
Now there are 17 bots included in this class! Well I’ve updated the mini bots class with some new things:…
PHP google images mini bot
UPDATE 2013/12/12: Now, in the Mini Bot Class there is a version of this function that is still working. You…
PHP curl bot to update Facebook status
I’ve found this great mini bot from Alste blog, and I’ve decided to add it to the mini bot class.…
PHP to get twitter infos and avatar
I’ve just updated the Mini Bot Php Class with an improved version of the twitterInfo function, here is the code…
Ping services with PHP
Ping-o-matic is a service that calls (ping) server engines and popular services to notify them that you have new contents…
Mixing bots to gain new services
Spiders and bots let you take services from other web sites, this could be very cool, but also this could…
New version of Mini Bots PHP Class (v.1.4)
I’ve added three more bots to the Mini Bots Php Class, now the version number is 1.4 and it has…
PHP Web page to text function
I’ve found this nice small bot on the site, thanks to the author of the script on the preg_replace…
Bot that retrieves url meta data and other infos
From a given url this function retrieves page title, meta description, keywords, favicon, and an array of 5 images to…
Tiny url encode and decode with PHP
The first functions make short urls using service. It’s a very popular function on the web, you can find…
PHP bot to grab meteo information from Google
Google has many usefull functions that give you data fast, such as cinema infos, or for meteo forecasts. I think…
ASP web bot that get exchange rates
Thanks to Bank of Italy (Banca d’Italia), there are free exchange rates data that are easy to retrieve and parse,…
Do spelling using google spell checker
If you have a user input that may contains some error you can try to check the spelling using Google…