
Items about using curl and php command file_get_contents. These words refer to bringing contents and information from around the web into our php software.

Bright Link Previews plugin for WordPress

How to add a link preview to all the links of your site

Settembre 23, 2023

Come realizzare in PHP un bot per il controllo di accesso ad un gruppo Telegram

Una serie di appunti per la realizzazione di un bot di controllo di un gruppo Telegram, non è un vero e proprio tutorial, ma è sicuramente utile per ripercorrere il progetto.

Dicembre 9, 2022

How many times a web link has been shared on Twitter

Twitter share button and Facebook share button are the most used buttons to share links on Internet. You can read…

Ottobre 19, 2012

get MySpace events with a PHP function

Here is a function to read the concerts for a myspace band page. This code retrieves the “shows page” for…

Febbraio 21, 2011

Get URL parameter in javascript

Sometimes in javascript you have the variable that you need to use in the url, as a parameter passed in…

Novembre 25, 2010

How to change twitter status with php and curl without oAuth

Twitter api authentication Since the 31 of august 2010, twitter made its API more secure, stopping basic authentication calls. So,…

Settembre 9, 2010

PHP bot to get wikipedia definitions

Wikipedia, the collaborative and multilingual encyclopedia project, has a lot of usefull terms defined in its database, you can find…

Agosto 29, 2010

PHP to post on a Facebook page

Hi, I’ve modified the Mini Bot Class, I’ve fixed the Facebook status update and I’ve implemented the function to post…

Luglio 28, 2010

10 htaccess usefull tips

The “.htaccess” is a configuration file that works at directory level on the web servers (on Apache, not on Microsoft…

Maggio 2, 2010

PHP curl bot to update Facebook status

I’ve found this great mini bot from Alste blog, and I’ve decided to add it to the mini bot class.…

Marzo 1, 2010

PHP to get twitter infos and avatar

I’ve just updated the Mini Bot Php Class with an improved version of the twitterInfo function, here is the code…

New version of Mini Bots PHP Class (v.1.4)

I’ve added three more bots to the Mini Bots Php Class, now the version number is 1.4 and it has…

Gennaio 20, 2010

PHP Web page to text function

I’ve found this nice small bot on the site, thanks to the author of the script on the preg_replace…

Gennaio 16, 2010

Bot that retrieves url meta data and other infos

From a given url this function retrieves page title, meta description, keywords, favicon, and an array of 5 images to…

Gennaio 12, 2010

Test if a remote url exists with PHP and CURL

If you have to test if a local file exists you will probably use the php file_exists function, but if…

Gennaio 6, 2010

Tiny url encode and decode with PHP

The first functions make short urls using service. It’s a very popular function on the web, you can find…

Dicembre 29, 2009

PHP bot to grab meteo information from Google

Google has many usefull functions that give you data fast, such as cinema infos, or for meteo forecasts. I think…

Dicembre 24, 2009

Do spelling using google spell checker

If you have a user input that may contains some error you can try to check the spelling using Google…

Novembre 10, 2009