Doing complex things with complex commands with a small amount of chars. Really nice.
Highlight text for search results in PHP
Useful code to highlight text occurences in search results or in a text. How to highlight text in a string…
How to add rel=”nofollow” to links with preg_replace()
Adding rel="nofollow" to external link is a good SEO practice.
Block junk emails, spammers and temporary emails
If you need an Email Validator Function, consider this version that includes also the check against common temporary mail services…
How many times a web link has been shared on Twitter
Twitter share button and Facebook share button are the most used buttons to share links on Internet. You can read…
get MySpace events with a PHP function
Here is a function to read the concerts for a myspace band page. This code retrieves the “shows page” for…
Php Function to resize video from YouTube and Vimeo
When you make a web application that let the user insert video embeds coming from YouTube or from Vimeo, or…
Parsing Flickr Feed with PHP tutorial
I’ve spent about 30 minutes to find a javascript embed to print out a custom thumbs list of flickr photos,…
PHP parse url, mailto, and also twitter’s usernames and arguments
This small function receive a text as input and returns an html text with links if the source text contains…
PHP to get twitter infos and avatar
I’ve just updated the Mini Bot Php Class with an improved version of the twitterInfo function, here is the code…
ASP equivalent to PHP strip_tags
I’ve found those functions around in the internet and I put them here just to remind how to strip tags…
Fix html tags, close tags, repair bad quotes and more
This class can solve many problems coming from user generated html content or to fix html content before making some…
New version of Mini Bots PHP Class (v.1.4)
I’ve added three more bots to the Mini Bots Php Class, now the version number is 1.4 and it has…
PHP Web page to text function
I’ve found this nice small bot on the site, thanks to the author of the script on the preg_replace…
Bot that retrieves url meta data and other infos
From a given url this function retrieves page title, meta description, keywords, favicon, and an array of 5 images to…
Test if a remote url exists with PHP and CURL
If you have to test if a local file exists you will probably use the php file_exists function, but if…
PHP bot to grab meteo information from Google
Google has many usefull functions that give you data fast, such as cinema infos, or for meteo forecasts. I think…
Truncate string preserving some words in PHP
When you search in Google for a string, Google highlights with bold text the words you’ve searched in the results…
ASP equivalent to PHP ereg_replace function
I’ve used so many time the php function ereg_replace that when I have to use ASP (‘cause sometimens you have…
OnKeyUp Fix Alphanumerical Chars
When you have an html form and you want only alphanumerical [a-z0-9] chars in your input, you can use this…
Do spelling using google spell checker
If you have a user input that may contains some error you can try to check the spelling using Google…