You can use this tool to convert small images in data URI and place the data directly inside the src
attribute of the image tag. This helps speed page because the browser doesn’t make a new connection to download image but found data already in the page. You can also use the encoded data to insert the image directly in the CSS file, in background-image
Image to data URI converter
You can use this tool to convert small images in data URI and place the data directly inside the src…
Make pixel patterns with CSS
If you want to create pixel patterns that repeats nicely with just CSS and use them in background, you can…
CSS3 generator
Here is the link to a CSS 3 generator to use when you have to specify multiple css rules for different…
Best meteo embed: Windyty Widget
Meteo site with fantastic wind visualization. There are available also other parameters, but the wind visualization is really perfect! Try…
Text 2 Mind Map a simple mind mapping online tool
I’ve found this tool to make online mind maps, just copy and paste the text with terms (properly indented) to…
Page flip with javascript and HTML5, turn pages like a book
Turn.js is a tool to make a flippable site, like a book, turn pages with javascript. This tool works good even…
Unicorns as user avatar generator
Generator of avatars for community with funny unicorns images. [try unicorns avatar generator]